Saint Peter’s Academy Physical Education / Health Syllabus
The goal of Saint Peter’s Academy physical education classes is to introduce and teach the basic fundamentals of various individual and team related activities as well as health and fitness activities. Requirements to attain class goals are as follows:
Student Expectations
❏ Be on time and prepared for class (gym uniform)
❏ Participate mentally and physically to the best of your ability for the entire period
❏ Cooperate with your teacher and classmates to help achieve a respectful class environment
Objectives of each class
❏ Participate in a manner that promotes safety and respects differences in students
❏ Tolerate each individual for who they are and learn from their differences
❏ Work together in class during group discussions or group work
Required for Class
❏ Sneakers must be worn to participate
❏ Physical education uniform required
❏ Sweatshirt or jacket on colder days
Medically unable to Participate
❏ Bring a note from home/doctor and make sure the nurse has a copy
Physical Education Topics
❏ Basic skills and rules will be learned for the following:
Soccer, Hockey, Dance, Baseball/Softball, Volleyball, Wiffle Ball, Fitness, Flag football, Basketball, Tennis, Frisbee,
*In addition various games/cooperative games will be learned.
Teacher Intervention
❏ 1 st– Warning
❏ 2 nd– Sit out of activity for a few minutes
❏ 3 rd-– Sit out for longer
❏ 3 rd– Email parents
❏ 4 th– Discuss the next steps with the principal.
Personal Health
❏ Health and wellness
❏ Fitness
❏ Mental health
❏ Setting goals
❏ Reading a food label
❏ Digestive system
❏ Categorizing food within the food pyramid
Social and Emotional Health
❏ Conflict resolution
❏ Peer pressure
❏ Decision making
❏ Bullying
❏ Internet Safety
❏ Brushing your teeth
❏ Using deodorant
❏ Washing your hands/wearing masks
If you have any questions, please email me Thank you, Mrs. Cutro