The computers, their resources and software are the property of St. Peter Academy. Therefore, St. Peter Academy retains the right to monitor all access to and use of the hardware, network and internet. All users of technology must recognize and exercise proper care and usage of technological resources.
The parish pastor has designated the Academy Principal as the coordinator of the system. The Principal has also designated Academy Technology staff to ensure appropriate usage by staff and students. The Principal has established regulations for appropriate usage of technology. Staff or students who do not abide by the stated regulations may receive consequences resulting in suspension, and/or revocation of system access as well as civil or criminal penalization. Parents or guardians may be held responsible for damages incurred by their child to an individual computer or the system.
*Students should always seek permission to utilize technology from Academy staff.
* Student usage of technology is considered by the Academy to be a privilege, not a right.
* Staff and students shall signify their understanding of St. Peter Academy Technology usage through their signature on the attached document (entitled Technology Agreement Sign Off).
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