St. Peter Academy provides a cost-effective Catholic education for all interested families living in Bergen County and the surrounding communities. To learn about the tuition payment plans available for the 2025-2026 school year, please contact the Administrative Office.
All tuition is paid electronically via FACTS, the Archdiocesan third-party tuition management provider. FACTS provides secure, flexible payment plan options to families at private and faith-based schools. Families can budget their tuition, making private school more accessible and affordable.
The process is simple, convenient, and secure. To set up your payment plan or make a tuition payment: Click Here.
There is a $650 Family Obligation for all families of students in PreK-8th grade. PreK 3 half day students with have Family Fundraising Obligation of $325. Click here to learn more and chose your payment option.
Rates: Before Care:
$ 8 for 1 child
$ 12 for 2 children
$ 16 for 3 children
After Care
$10 hour or any part of an hour for 1 child
$15 hour or any part of an hour for 2 children
$20 hour or any part of an hour for 3 children